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‘What The Hell Is Life Coaching?‘
What The Hell Is Life Coaching is a look into what Life Coaching is, what it isn’t, how to become a Life Coach and how to choose a proficient Life Coach to work with.
It also offers some great Life Coaching and self development resources so you can coach yourself if you don’t have the money or inclination to hire a Life Coach.
As well as that, there is advice on where to go if you’re a Life Coach (or any other professional for that matter) that wants to set up a practice online.
This ebook takes a look at the thorny issue of social anxiety, fears, phobias, panic attacks, public speaking etc
It’s a 45 page guide that really gets under the hood of fear and all it’s cousins to help you deal with it more effectively.
There is also a section on public speaking in case you are one of the millions of people that would rather shove a red hot poker up your behind than deliver a presentation to an audience.
After you read the book you can safely dispense with the poker, unless that is, you don’t really want to.
Don’t Ask Stupid Questions – There Are No Stupid Questions
Since it was published in 2007 I have re-written ‘Don’t Ask Stupid Questions – There Are No Stupid Questions’. It is my critically acclaimed first book that gets 5 stars on Amazon. Ok, so only 7 people have reviewed it, but they all loved it and none are family members! I have also paid to have it laid out like a proper e-book unlike the previous version.
“I have read MANY self development books over the last 18 months. This is the only one that lent humor to the cause and for that ALONE I would give it five stars! When you throw in the smart voice of Tim Brownson and his unique way of looking at life — you have got a true winner.” – Jenny Mannion
“A friend of mine suggested that I read this book, which just goes to show I have some smart friends. I’ve read dozens of self-help books but I always kept getting caught up in the downward spiral. Sure this is a funny, smart and motivational book, but so what? I can get that anywhere. What I couldn’t get was that epiphany, that true “light bulb” moment. And that’s what this book provides. But it doesn’t hand feed you, it makes you think and in the process these hidden secrets are revealed.” – Elliott James
And in good old TV infomercial style the lunacy doesn’t end there either.
I’ve written several humorous posts over the last few years about being miserable and what you need to do to achieve such a lofty status on a permanent basis. They have been scattered to the Internets four winds and now sit on a variety of different sites.
Well guess what?
Yes that’s right, I have collated all that important, invaluable and indispensable information on misery into one package.
The Misery Manifesto – A Guide To A Life (not) Worth Living
Again I have dug deep to pay real live money to have it designed as a proper e-book. Not only that, but I’ve added some of the newest cutting edge research on misery and yet again, it’s free!
Click the rather lurid icon on your right and it will be in your downloads folder quicker than you can say “You can’t do that in this economy!”
I will also be offering more free e-books in due course with goal setting and possibly a guide on quitting bad habits high on my agenda, so please keep popping back to check.
Alternatively, I would love if you subscribed to my newsletter or my blog as that is where I announce them first.
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